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Fifth season is starting (UPDATED!)

Warm weather of last week has caused a quick snow melting and a rapid rise of water in rivers of Soomaa National Park.


According to data of Riisa water observation station at Halliste river the rise has been +160 cm for last three days, since water level started to climb.


See PHOTOS from 31th of January 2016 on our Facebook Page.


2016 viimane jaanuar


When vast amounts of water run down the Sakala Upland, the rivers of Soomaa cannot contain it all. The water flows over meadows and forests, and covers roads, disrupting connection with the outer world.


The floods are called the “fifth season” by the people of Soomaa, because floods occur nearly every year. The fifth season, however, is the best time to explore the landscape of Soomaa, using a canoe.

Canoeing in flooded forest
Interested to take part in the canoeing trips, where you canoe in the flooded forests and meadows? Call to Aivar +3725061896 or Algis +3725147572 or email us:


The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas