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Soomaa saunaaasta 2023

Käesolev aasta on saunakultuuri ja -kombestiku aasta kogu Eestis. Ka Soomaal pühendatakse sel aastal saunale senisest enam tähelepanu. Soomaalased ootavad teid oma sauna maist septembrini

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Soomaa ujutusalal nähti vaala

Soomaa giidid olid grupi kanuutajatega Soomaa suurveel, kui märkasid ujutusalal suurt veelooma. Harukordne loodusvaatlus toimus üleujutatud Tõramaa puisniidul, vaid mõnikümmend meetrit Halliste jõe sängist. Looma

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Kelgutajad leidsid Soomaal UFO

Sakala kirjutab, et Soomaa giid Algis Martsoo sattus kelgumatkal koos matkaseltskonnaga Tõramaa luha jääväljal tunnistajaks vaatepildile, mis meenutas jõkke jäätunud ufosid. Ta on küll juba aastaid

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We are now members of!

We are delighted to have been accepted as one of the early members of, a carefully selected community of fantastic adventure providers who have a strong ongoing commitment to sustainability.

You can see us featured as part of their local travel directory which puts you in direct contact (no commission) with handpicked active holidays, tours, courses and accommodation. The site also provides travellers reviews, the resources you need to book a low carbon journey, and have started a collection of community built guides to each adventure sport, where users are invited to share their favourite spots, useful info, ideas and inspiration.

Since going live a few months ago the site has grown quickly. aim to build the widest and fairest selection of responsible adventure travel and equipment choices that outdoor lovers have ever seen, and bring support to many important conservation and community development projects around the world.

Check out our company profile here Please help us to benefit from this site by leaving a review of us, and by spreading the word to your friends.

The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas