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Soomaa saunaaasta 2023

Käesolev aasta on saunakultuuri ja -kombestiku aasta kogu Eestis. Ka Soomaal pühendatakse sel aastal saunale senisest enam tähelepanu. Soomaalased ootavad teid oma sauna maist septembrini

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Soomaa ujutusalal nähti vaala

Soomaa giidid olid grupi kanuutajatega Soomaa suurveel, kui märkasid ujutusalal suurt veelooma. Harukordne loodusvaatlus toimus üleujutatud Tõramaa puisniidul, vaid mõnikümmend meetrit Halliste jõe sängist. Looma

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Kelgutajad leidsid Soomaal UFO

Sakala kirjutab, et Soomaa giid Algis Martsoo sattus kelgumatkal koos matkaseltskonnaga Tõramaa luha jääväljal tunnistajaks vaatepildile, mis meenutas jõkke jäätunud ufosid. Ta on küll juba aastaid

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Soomaa National Park Code of Conduct

When You visit Soomaa, then remember that National Park is home to several bird and animal species as well as people, and You are a guest in the best meaning of the word. Detailed information, printedout materials and maps are to be found at the National Park Visitor Centre that is opened daily from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm

● Human activities in Soomaa NP are being regulated through different laws: for detailed information look Soomaa National Park homepage or turn to National Park Visitor Centre.

● You can move freely almost anywhere, but most convenient way to get aquainted with the park is to use signed trails. If You need a map or more detailed information, then turn to Soomaa National Park Visitor Centre or look at the homepage .

● If going on a self guided hiking / canoeing / kayaking trip, please get acquainted with safety regulations and Soomaa National park protection rules.

● Use of any motorised vehicles outside of roads or specially marked trails is forbidden. Please do not park your vehicles elswere than specially marked areas.

● If not aquainted with local landscapes or rivers then please use marked hiking trails or use guided services provided by local companies .

● It is not allowed to make open fre elsewhere than specially marked places . To get detailed information of their location, please turn to National Park Visitor centre or look at the map at

● Please do not leave any used paper / plastic packages or foodlefovers to camping sites or elsewhere.

● Please do not leave Your children unattended !

● To guarantee the safty of your pets please keep them on a leash while visiting Soomaa.

● Please do not feed any cattle or other local domestic animals without the permission of their owners.

● When meeting wild animals then please give them time to hide , do not interfere and move away silently .

● If you meet any wild mammal or bird who seems wounded, then before taking any actions, call Soomaa National Park Visitor Centre : +37252 61 924 or Nigula Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre : +37250 45 891.

● If You meet a female bear with cubs, avoid getting between mother – bear and her cubs. She can attack You when protecting her cubs. If faceing such , then try to move away silently without turning Your back towards the animal, or lie down, facing ground, keeping hands and arms tightly against Your body.

● Hunting in the territory of Soomaa National park is allowed with special permits with the aim, to contole different animal populations.

● When faceing any unauthorised action while Your visit, inform environmental inspectorate, calling: +3721313 or Soomaa Natonal Park visitor Centre: +372 52 61 924

● If there has been an accident, call : 112 and also +37252 61 924 to let the park authorities know, of Your exact location.

Visitor management :
Forest Management Board
Phone: +372 43 57 164
+372 52 61 924

Protected area manager :
Environmental Board
Phone: +372 447 7388
+372 435 5610

Environmental inspecting:
Environmental Inspection
Phone: 1313 / 112

The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas