Author: Aivar Ruukel
Kevadise suurvee tõenäosus üha suureneb
Maalehe ajakirjanik Alo Lõhmus intervjueerib Tartu ülikooli loodusgeograafia lektorit Arvo Järvetit. “Kevadise korraliku suurvee tõenäosus üha suureneb“, arvab Järvet. Arvo arvamus on Eestis kahtlemata üks
Fifth Season is Knocking on the Door
Five Seasons in Soomaa National Park of Estonia View more presentations from Aivar Ruukel.
Kas ka sel aastal on Soomaal viiendat aastaaega oodata?
Soomaa Viies Aastaeg View more presentations from Aivar Ruukel.
Sakala lugu Heljo Saarlaga
Sakala lugu Heljo Saarlaga, originally uploaded by Ruukel. Lugu Soomaa elaniku Heljo Saarlaga Sakalas.
Welcome to Estonia!
Welcome to Estonia!, originally uploaded by Ruukel. Wireless in Wilderness – Welcome to Estonia!
PAN Parks Flag for Soomaa National Park
PAN Parks Flag for Soomaa National Park, originally uploaded by Ruukel.
Last of the Wild
Last of the Wild, originally uploaded by Ruukel. Publication "Last of the Wild" – OVERVIEW OF THE STATUS AND MONITORING OF SOME WILDERNESS RELATED SPECIES
Hunting Hurts the Biggest Nature Tourism Attraction of Estonia.
The Estonian Ecotourism Cluster brings together active ecotourism entrepreneurs from all over Estonia. Last year, while creating the annual strategy for the Cluster, it was